Social Justice Action for Afghanistan
Most of you are aware of the recent military withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan and the swift collapse of the proxy government. At present, a Taliban government, legitimized through U.S.-led “peace” talks, holds power over a country of nearly forty million people. The waging of war in Afghanistan extends beyond twenty years of direct military involvement by the United States. There is a long history of colonial occupations in Afghanistan and ongoing unrest that is fueled by competing interests from surrounding nations and the United States.
The magnitude of the cost to human lives, irreparable damage to the natural environment, and trauma of generations may be difficult for many of you to fathom. However, it is the daily reality Afghans face.
Afghans make up one of the largest refugee populations with an estimated 2.6 million worldwide and another 3.5 million internally displaced (UNHCR)
An estimated 263,000 potential Afghan allies (SIV and P-2) and family members were left behind after the 8/31/21 U.S. withdrawal (Association of Wartime Allies)
As of April 2021, more than 71,000 civilians are estimated to have died as a direct result of the U.S. war (Watson Institute)
Afghan land is contaminated with unexploded devices, which kill and injure tens of thousands of Afghans, especially children (Watson Institute)
You may feel resigned, confused or overwhelmed when hearing about Afghanistan. We ask you not to rest in confusion or inaction. Here are some ways you can support the Afghan and Afghan-American community.
Take Action
Welcome and support refugee families
Volunteer with a local resettlement agency
Host a family
Contribute airline miles
Donate goods. We recommend Hope for San Diego (see their Amazon list) or Miry’s List.
Raise (y)our voice
Text “CRISIS” to 52886 and it will auto populate your info and send a letter to your local and state representatives.
Call your representatives to advocate for humanitarian aid.
Write/donate to the UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency representatives in Afghanistan.
Show your allyship
If you have community members who identify as Afghan or Afghan-American consider reaching out to them with authentic care. Our community continues to be devastated by the atrocities committed in Afghanistan as well as heightened xenophobia in the United States. A daily onslaught of dehumanizing images, problematic rhetoric and false reporting in mainstream media furthers the pain of the Afghan diaspora. Showing your support helps us know we do not stand alone.
Contribute your skills
Consider providing pro bono therapy services and mental health support for the Afghan diaspora in a trauma-informed and culturally appropriate way.